Perfect Sight
The Vietnamese handyman Pit Sun, his girl-friend Anita, an insignificant bank clerk, who has just robbed his branch and - while at it - obviously enjoyed torturing his superior, his wife Natascha, who is disgusted both by this and his way of feeding the fish, and finally the boss Ralf, all play a part in the goings on at "Perfect Sight", a camping site in the former GDR. On this extraordinary day, the anniversary of the Sparwasser goal against the FRG will be celebrated, deserving regulars will be banned from the camp, and nothing will ever be the same again. The former pop star Michi Fanselow, to whom the girls of the GDR once threw their slips on stage, is going to give a big concert, and emotions will be released in a gathering storm.
This debut film by director Soeren Voigt grants us an eccentric, exhilarating and always sympathetic view of a series of supposedly grotesque figures on the edge of a reunited German society.
Source: German films Service & Marketing GmbH
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