NoBody's Perfect

Deutschland 2007/2008 Dokumentarfilm


NoBody′s Perfect

The documentary NoBody′s Perfect follows Niko von Glasow as he looks for eleven people who, like him, were born disabled due to the disastrous side-effects of Thalidomide, and who are prepared to pose for a book of photos. And to pose naked – to allow those who regularly throw furtive glances at Thalidomiders and other physically disabled people, to take a good, long look. In the process, Niko discovers many fascinating characters who work in such diverse areas as politics, the media, sport, astrophysics and acting. Characters who have learned to live with their disability to an impressive level of "normality".


With a darkly humorous touch, and no deference to political correctness, NoBody′s Perfect explores the specific problems which these twelve extraordinary people have faced during childhood, adolescence and adulthood, and shows them reacting with curiosity, enthusiasm or (like Niko himself) horror towards the project. As the film approaches its climax – the photoshoots – von Glasow completes the picture with scenes showing his unsuccessful attempts to make contact with the chemical company Gruenenthal, to talk about Thalidomide and its effects. Von Glasow presents an impressive portrayal of the sensitivities and feelings of disabled people, and our society′s reactions to them.

Source: German Films Service & Marketing GmbH


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