Based on the novel "La vie extraordinaire de Lola Montèz" by Cécil Saint-Laurent, "Lola Montez" tells the tragic story of the once notorious courtesan, but now ill and tired Lola Montez, who works in the circus as the "attraction of the year" answering questions from the audience.When asked about her love life, she is reminded of her past, which is performed in short sequences in the circus ring: childhood and early marriage, farewell from Franz Liszt, and successful career. The more respected her lovers are, the higher she ascends on the trapeze. She reaches the highest point when she tells the story of her relationship to the Bavarian King, Ludwig I. But after being banished from the King′s court by revolting citizens, her downfall soon follows after a brief affair with a student. One of the most celebrated examples of both Technicolor and CinemaScope, the German version of "Lola Montez" was fully restored in 2002 by the Film Museum Munich.
Source: German films Service & Marketing GmbH
Also see German language version: "Lola Montez"
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