War and Games
"Sharp senses, lethal bite": The unmanned war robots of the future are modelled after their predatory counterparts in the animal kingdom. These perfect machines can spot every movement of mice and men in the water, on land and in the air. And they can kill. Autonomously. Does this new war technology provides us with reconnaissance information and security, as the manufacturing industry and governments promise, or are they paving the way for a state with absolute control over its citizens? Who bears responsibility for their actions – and their mistakes? How does the notion of "a soldier's honor" change when operators thousands of kilometers away sit in front of computer screens and only monitor the missions carried out by the machines? And what about those below, the people in the crosshairs? This technological evolution is already changing warfare, civilian life and our notions of ethics and morality, and, in effect, our status as humans in this world. Will machines ultimately become the more decisive decision-makers?
Source: German Films Service & Marketing GmbH
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