Im Flugzeug über Travemünde

Deutschland 1919 Kurz-Dokumentarfilm


1st intertitle: Travemünde airfield. Image: Airfield building with taxiway and landing biplane.

2nd intertitle: Takeoff for seaplane flight (in the center the famous Kapitänleutnant Friedrich Christiansen with Pour le mérite). Image: Four men, two of them in civilian flying clothes, in front of Hansa-Brandenburg seaplane W 12 having a cigarette break; the older aviator Friedrich Christiansen with medal cross on his neck; Hansa-Brandenburg seaplane W 12 taking off, in the background Travemünde beach.

3rd intertitle: Kurhaus and water tower of Travemünde. Image: beach of Travemünde with spa house and water tower, in the beginning in the background the river Trave, about 2/3 of the image water (aerial view).

4th intertitle: In 150 m height. Image: beach of Travemünde (aerial view); biplane flying over water, in the background Baltic Sea shore with trees.

5th intertitle: Gliding downward. Picture: Landing approach of a biplane over water (flying towards camera); seaplane gliding slowly on water; mooring maneuver of seaplane on shore; two aviators and a man in civilian clothes, supported by helpers, getting out of the plane.

Source: Bundesarchiv


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