This French film shows a joint visit to the Verdun front by French President Raymond Poincaré, Serbian Prince Regent Alexander I, and French Brigadier General Philippe Pétain. Featured are the presentation of awards to deserving railway workers, a troop inspection, and a parade by General Maurice Balfourier's XX Corps. The film was distributed in the 28mm format that Pathé Frères introduced in France in 1912 and marketed internationally. Unlike the 35mm nitrocellulose print commonly used for professional screenings, the 28mm material was flame-retardant, allowing such "safety films" to be shown without fire precautions, such as in home theaters. Shortly after the end of the war, Pathé Frères stopped marketing 28mm film in favor of other formats for safety films; it was probably not even marketed in Germany due to the First World War.
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