"Ghettokids" is the story of two foreign children in a socially explosive neighborhood in Munich. Christos lives with his mother and two brothers in extremely crowded quarters. He almost idolizes his older brother, Maikis. But his real home is the central station, where the occasional trick and petty theft puts a little cash in his pockets.
Hanna, a new teacher, comes to their school and, after initial problems, realizes how important her work for the neighborhood is. The two brothers slowly begin to take interest and develop trust. But this doesn′t last long. Maikis is the victim of a gang feud and lands in jail. Christos begs Hanna to intervene on his brother′s behalf, and Maikis is actually released.
A happy end? It almost looks like it, but for ghetto kids there are no fairy tales where people live happily ever after...
Source: German films Service & Marketing GmbH
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