Falling Rocks

Deutschland 1999/2000 TV-Spielfilm


Falling Rocks

A chartered DC3 Cargo-Liner flies a group of five friends across the wilderness of South Africa. Their destination, Nowhere; an abandoned airstrip close to the Namibian border. From here on the group starts a hiking trip, back to nature, away from the big city lights. For the first night, they set up camp next to a river.


Sitting around the campfire they tell each other stories from past times, drink whisky and enjoy their company. Everyone is in a happy camper mood.
Early next morning, they find the body of a dead parachutist by the river. The group examines the corpse and finds a box filled with uncut diamonds, roughly valued at $6 million. What to do? Inform the police? Turn back? But how? They can only move forward, there′s no way back! No mobile phones, nor any other means of communication! Only at the end of their trip will they be able to inform the authorities. But do they really want to do that?
Subtle discords begin to grumble and growl inside their heads, conflicts break out in the open. It′s not a good start for a trip back to nature. On the second day one of the group is killed, on the third day another. The circumstances are mysterious. Are they being followed? The deaths continue day by day until only two members of the group remain. A man and a woman. The trek through the wilderness has turned into a struggle of life and death.

Source: German films Service & Marketing GmbH


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All Credits


    • 02.11.1999
96 min
35mm, 1:1,85
Farbe, Dolby SRD

Erstaufführung (DE): 29.06.2000, München, Filmfest


  • Originaltitel (DE) Falling Rocks



96 min
35mm, 1:1,85
Farbe, Dolby SRD

Erstaufführung (DE): 29.06.2000, München, Filmfest