Die Räumung einer Stadt im bedrohten Gebiet

Deutschland 1917 Kurz-Dokumentarfilm


1. Intertitle: The inhabitants were warned in time and were thus able to save their belongings calmly. Image: A bed box, including frame and mattress, is let down from a window and received by two men, one standing on a ladder leaning against the wall of the building; the bed is loaded onto a horsedrawn cart.

2. Intertitle: Due to the narrow stairs, larger objects must be let down through the windows. Image: Rolled-up bedding is let down from a window and received by a man standing on a ladder; a fully packed horsedrawn cart.

3. Intertitle: The refugees wait in front of the town commander's office to be evacuated. Image: Waiting refugees with laden horsedrawn carts in front of the town commander's office; horsedrawn baggage is seen to pass the waiting refugees.

4. Intertitle: At the railway station. The refugees are considerately assisted by field greys and railway personnel in loading their belongings. Image: Loading the belongings into railway wagons at the railway station; soldiers help refugees to get on.

5. Intertitle: Nobody wanted to remain behind, not even the oldest mother. Image: An old woman with a bent back on the way to a railway wagon.

6. Intertitle: Young men leave the theatre of operations and leisurely go their way. Image: Young Frenchmen pass along the country road.

7. Intertitle: Refugees on the country road. Image: Fleeing families on the country road.

8. Intertitle: A short time later. The bombarded city. Image: Ruins of houses in the city that has since been destroyed by artillery fire.

9. Intertitle: Clean-up operations by our field greys. Image: Soldiers at clean-up work.

Source: Bundesarchiv


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All Credits

1 Akte, 158 m, 8 min
35mm, 1:1,33
s/w, stumm
Censorship/Age rating:

Zensur (DE): 08.08.1917, BZ.40799, Freigegeben


  • Originaltitel (DE) Die Räumung einer Stadt im bedrohten Gebiet
  • Weiterer Titel (DE) Die Räumung einer Stadt im Wytschaetebogen
  • Weiterer Titel (DE) Räumung einer Stadt im bedrohten Gebiet, (Die (Wychaetebogen)
  • Titelübersetzung Eviction of a Town in an Endangered Area (Wychaetebogen



1 Akte, 158 m, 8 min
35mm, 1:1,33
s/w, stumm
Censorship/Age rating:

Zensur (DE): 08.08.1917, BZ.40799, Freigegeben


1 Akte, 153 m
Censorship/Age rating:

Zensur (DE): 04.10.1921, B.04347, Freigegeben;
Zensur (DE): 01.01.1917, Lehrerkommission Hamburg 5586, Freigegeben