"Let’s ask ourselves how many in this room here know the people affected by the NSU.How many of the victims’ stories can we remember?" Ibrahim Arslan poses this ques-tion at an event of the "Unraveling the NSU Complex" tribunal. Racist attacks and kill-ingsrecur in Germany with a terrifying continuity. The media’s interest is thereby al-most exclusively focused on the perpetrators. In "Der zweite Anschlag", the victims get to speak themselves: About the terrorist at-tacks of the NSU, the racist arson attack in Mölln and the Rostock-Lichtenhagen riots. The protagonists’ stories weave together, since all of them advocate for a complete investigation and an end of the terror. Their accusations are aimed at a state that does not take action, a police force that has a structural right-wing problem of its own, and a population that encourages and supports this or looks away. A film that must be seen.
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