The Tenth Summer
The story of a summer in 1960, the story of eventful holidays - a mischievous love story in a working-class neighborhood in a small provincial town along the Rhine River. It all begins on Kalli's ninth birthday on a hot, dusty day - his present: a bright red scooter. He takes off through the neighborhood on his new scooter, and things start to happen. Kalli and his best friends Polli and Walter set up a zoo, for which they are promised a real monkey. Almut Hilfers and her daughters, three fun-loving ladies with a somewhat shady reputation, get into trouble. Kalli wants to help them, and slowly but surely befriends them, thus becoming the object of their love and adoration. Then, despite all odds, a tender love develops between Kalli and the neighbor's daughter, Franzi.
All the loose ends come together with the arrival of Kappu the monkey, whose existence has to be kept from the adults in town. Even Kalli's visits to Ms. Hilfers and his relationship to Franzi have to remain a secret. A summer full of adventure: And Kalli has to muster up all of his energy and fantasy to make it through the wild and crazy summer.
Source: German films Service & Marketing GmbH
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