Kaiser Wilhelm II greets Kaiser Karl I of Austria at a train station; the emperors, accompanied by officers of their entourage, talk. They leave in a car and are seen in an open field with a larger entourage. They visit the citadel of Udine. Aerial views of the city of Udine are shown. Voice over: Marching towards the Tagliamento River. German troops with baggage wagons pass through Udine. An Italian giant plane "Caproni" is shot down on the retreat road near Campoformido; German officers examine aircraft and wreckage at the captured Campoformido airfield. Kaiser Wilhelm II inspects German troops in the courtyard of a former Doge's Palace in Passariano. He walks along the front and awards the Iron Cross, 1st Class, to two non-commissioned officers. The Kaiser is seen talking to the two non-commissioned officers. Wilhelm II bids farewell and leaves in a car.
Source: Bundesarchiv
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