Das Sichtbare und das Unsichtbare

Deutschland 2006/2007 Spielfilm


The Visible and the Invisible

Marquard and Maria are painters and lovers who live together. After Marquard wins an important prize, with a considerable amount of money attached, his creativity wanes. As Maria works on series of paintings, Marquard visits his friend Gregor, a horse breeder and philosopher, sleeps with the angelic Angie and visits his daughter Lucia several times. Marquard and Lucia, who have begun a tender affair, spend a few nights in a hotel on the coast where they agree not to speak a word. Maria, who has no idea, knows all the same. Their love is over. She abruptly stops work on her series, starts on a new painting titled ′The Visible and the Invisible′, and goes back to her old lover, Gregor. Back from his short trip, Marquand paints a final painting, well aware that the 40 pills in his bottle of vodka will have the desired effect...

Source: German Films Service & Marketing GmbH



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