A Nearly Normal Life
"A Nearly Normal Life" observes the everyday lives of four girls in a residential group for children and young people. Separated from their parents, they struggle for recognition, self-love, self-determination and security. At the back of their minds is always a longing to return home.
Over a period of two years, we follow their development through ups and downs, seeing them interact with caregivers, educators, parents and various institutions. We learn about their worries and hopes, and witness their aggression and will power.
The film explores the courage and resilience of young people striving to pave a path for themselves in trying circumstances. Without apportioning any blame, the film provides an authentic insight into daily life in child and youth services - where things don't always run smoothly, but where a sense of security and positive adult-child relationships can develop.
In the end, what remains is the girls' dream of a "normal life" where they can fulfill their potential.
Source: German Films Society & Marketing GmbH
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