100 Pro tells the story of an unbelievable summer day, a more unbelievable summer night and an even more unbelievable summer morning in the lives of two young men, the nineteen-year-old womanizer and go-cart champion Floh and his best friend, the community service worker, Marcel.
Floh has convinced Marcel to forsake his anniversary night with his girlfriend for a night out in the town's noble disco with two underwear models. The only problem is that there is no way the bouncer is letting either of them in and their attempts to change this fate lead to a series of hysterical and sometimes heart-wrenching events. To make matters worse, Marcel's girlfriend arrives in the arms of another man and then all hell breaks loose.
Morning finds both men in the middle of nowhere in a stalled Mustang, Marcel with a broken heart, Floh with a broken nose, and their friendship about to face the ultimate test.
Source: German Films Service & Marketing GmbH
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