Aljoscha Pause
Aljoscha Pause was born in Bonn on January 24 1972. He studied French, Italian and Law, and from 1990 on, he worked as a newspaper and radio journalist. Between 1995 and 2003, he was a reporter, director and producer for several TV stations. Since 2003, he has been freelancing as author, director and producer.
Pause has become known for his sport documentaries, including "Der Prinz aus Bergheim – Das Phänomen Podolski" (2005), "Die Glorreichen Sieben" (2006) and "In die Tiefe des Raumes – Die Welt des Blindenfußballs" (2008). In 2008, he got wide recognition for his documentary "Das große Tabu – Homosexualität & Fußball", about homosexuality in pro-football. The film won several prestigious awards, as did the follow-up "Tabubruch – Der neue Weg von Homosexualität im Fußball". In 2011, he presented his cinema release "Tom meets Zizou - Kein Sommermärchen", a longterm documentary following the career of a young footballer in Germany.