Die Abenteuer des Prinzen Achmed
"The Adventures of Prince Achmed"
In exchange for his daughter, an evil magician offers a magic flying horse to the Caliph. He successfully tricks Prince Achmed onto the flying horse. And so begins for the Prince a long adventurous journey which takes him first to the island of Wak Wak, where he falls in love with the fairy Pari Banu, who he takes with him on his travels.
As revenge, the magician kidnaps the fairy, handing her over to the Emperor of China as a slave. The magician chains Prince Achmed inside a huge mountain where, unknowingly, a good witch lives. Freeing Achmed, she helps him rescue Pari Banu. Yet, a new adventure awaits the Prince, for the fairy has been kidnapped by demons from the island of Wak Wak. Only with the help from Aladdin’s magic lamp, which has been stolen by the evil magician, does he have any chance of freeing the fairy from their clutches,. In this situation, only the good witch can now help, culminating dramatically in a dual combat between her and the magician.
Alle Credits
Uraufführung (DE): 19.07.1986, Südwest 3
- Originaltitel (DE) Die Abenteuer des Prinzen Achmed
Uraufführung (DE): 19.07.1986, Südwest 3