Lilian Franck
Lilian Franck, born in Würzburg on 11 March 1971, studied documentary film directing at the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg and at the French university Le Fresnoy in Tourcoing. During these years she made several short documentary films, for example "Omen - 15 Stunden Tekkno" ("Omen: 15 Hours of Tekkno", 1994), about the legendary Frankfurt disco "Omen".
Together with filmmaker Robert Cibis, Franck founded the production company OVALmedia in 1998. Together they also shot the short documentary "Halbe Chance?" (2002), for which they were awarded the Young Talent Prize of the Franco-German Journalists' Prize. For television Franck produced the documentaries "Kapital: Mensch - Das Geschäft mit der Arbeit" (2004, together with Robert Cibis) and "Kommt Europa in die Hölle? (2004, together with Cibis, Martin Gronemeyer and Michaela Kirst). Together with Kirst, Cibis and Matthias Luthardt she shot the documentary "Jesus liebt Dich" ("Jesus Loves You", 2008), about modern missionaries who tried to convert fans from all over the world during the Football World Cup 2006 in Germany. The film celebrated its premiere at the Berlinale 2008 in the Perspektive Deutsches Kino section.
Franck also shot the cinema documentary "PianoMania" (2009) with Robert Cibis about Stefan Knüpfer, piano tuner and concert technician at Steinway & Sons, and his collaboration with famous pianists such as Lang Lang, Alfred Brendel and Pierre-Laurent Aimard. At the Locarno International Film Festival "PianoMania" received the Semaine de la Critique Prize, at the San Francisco International Film Festival the film won the Golden Gate Award and at the German Film Awards it was awarded in the category Best Sound Design. For television, she realized "Das Glück aus der Dose" (2009, together with Stefanie Schmidt), a documentary about children who are "treated" with psychotropic drugs.
As a producer, Franck was involved in the TV documentary "Lebensretter Ostblockviren" (2012, director: Stefanie Schmidt) and in "Free Lunch Society: Komm Komm Grundeinkommen" ("Free Lunch Society - Come Come Basic Income", AT/DE 2017, director: Christian Tod). With "trustWHO" (DE/AT), about grievances and corruption at the World Health Organisation (WHO), Franck again presented her own documentary film in 2017. Already in 2014, she had begun working on the documentary drama "Fuck Fame - Die Geschichte von Elektropop-Ikone Uffie", again with Robert Cibis. The film about the eventful history of YouTube celebrity Uffie was released in German cinemas in June 2019.