Kurt Krömer
Kurt Krömer, née Alexander Bojcan, was born in Berlin on November 20 1974. Following high school graduation, he began an apprenticeship at a gentlemen"s outfitter, but eventually turned to supporting himself with numerous jobs, including janitor, construction worker and waiter. At the same time, he started performing at the "Scheinbar Varieté" in Berlin. In 1995, he appeared a the renowned "Chamäleon-Varieté" and promptly won the newcomer award.
During the next years, Krömer extensively toured the theatre and variety circuit. He won the "Köln Comedy Cup" in 2000, and premiered his first solo programme in the following year. In 2004, his own TV programme "Kurt-Krömer-Show" went on air for the first time, and was subsequently nominated for a Grimme Award. He went on to win numerous awards, including the German Television Award – for his new show "Bei Krömers" – in 2006. From 2007 till 2011, he was host of TV programme "Krömer - Die internationale Show", which won the Grimme Award in its last year.
All this time, Krömer maintained his highly successful stage career, and from 2005 on, he began appearing in film productions as well. In 2011, he had his first leading role opposite Fritzi Haberlandt in the comedy "Eine Insel namens Udo".