Lady Hamilton
Adaptation of the eponymous novel, which depicts the eventful life of working-class girl Emma Lyon from London. The beauty of the peasants′ daughter inspires famous painter Romney, who portrays her over and over again, and helps Emma to escape her humble origins. She marries Sir Hamilton, Britain′s ambassador in Naples, befriends the Sicilian Queen and finally becomes the lover of legendary English war hero Lord Nelson. But when Nelson dies without including Emma in his testament, she descends into poverty. The snobbish upper-class ignores the plight of the proletarian girl, and in the end, Emma Lyon starves to death.
Director of photography
- Emma Lyon, spätere Lady Hamilton
- Lord Nelson
- Lord William Hamilton
- Ferdinand IV., König von Neapel
- Marie Caroline, Königin von Neapel
- Greville
- Adele Nelson
- George, Prince of Wales
- Caraciollo, Minister des Königs
- George Romney, ein berühmter Maler
Production company
Alle Credits
Director of photography
Assistant camera
Production design
Set construction
Costume design
- Emma Lyon, spätere Lady Hamilton
- Lord Nelson
- Lord William Hamilton
- Ferdinand IV., König von Neapel
- Marie Caroline, Königin von Neapel
- Greville
- Adele Nelson
- George, Prince of Wales
- Caraciollo, Minister des Königs
- George Romney, ein berühmter Maler
- Miss Arabella Kelly
- Vorsteherin eines adeligen Stifts
- Jane Middleton
- Dr. Graham, Kurpfuscher
- Phryne
- Kapitän Sir John Willet Payne
- Tug, sein Oberbootsmann
- Tom Kid, Matrose
- Eine Wirtin
- Emma Lyons Mutter
- 1. Lazaroni
- 2. Lazaroni
- 3. Lazaroni
- Friseur
- 1. Friseur
- Marineminister
- Kammerdiener des Königs
- 1. Jacobiner
- 2. Jacobiner
Production company
Zensur (DE): 15.10.1921, B.04489, Jugendverbot
Uraufführung (DE): 20.10.1921, Berlin, Richard-Oswald-Lichtspiele
- Originaltitel (DE) Lady Hamilton
Zensur (DE): 15.10.1921, B.04489, Jugendverbot
Uraufführung (DE): 20.10.1921, Berlin, Richard-Oswald-Lichtspiele