Claus Strigel
Claus Strigel was born in 1955 in Munich. Before finally changing to filmmaking as a producer, writer and director, he studied Communications and Psychology. Since 1976, he has co-directed and written together with Bertram Verhaag over 50 award-winning documentaries and feature films including: "Was heisst"n hier Liebe" (1978), "Too Much Man!" ("echt tu matsch!", 1983), "Nuclear Split" ("Spaltprozesse", documentary, 1987), "An Act of God" ("Restrisiko oder die Arroganz der Macht", documentary, 1989), "The Eighth Commandment" ("Das Achte Gebot", documentary, 1990), "Runaway" (1992), "Blue Eyed" (documentary, 1996), "Grenzgaenger - Hans-Peter Duerr" (TV, 1997), "Der Agrarrebell" (TV, 2000), "Tote Ernte" (TV, 2001), "Al Barnum" (TV, 2001), "The Last Man Alive" ("Die gruene Wolke", 2001) and many more.
Source: German Films Service & Marketing GmbH