Mathias Dinter
Matthias Dinter was born in 1968 in Singen on Lake Constance. He studied at the Film Academy Baden-Wuerttemberg from 1991-1994, graduating with the film "Hausschlachtung". He has written the screenplays for the films "Rohe Ostern" (TV, 1993), an episode of the TV-series "Der Fahnder" – "Fuss in der Tuer" (1994), "Das Biest im Bodensee" and "First-Love - im Schweif des Kometen" (TV, 1998), "Die Bademeister" (TV, 1999), "Fussball ist unser Leben" (1999), "Schwarz & McMurphy" (TV, 1999)," Was nicht passt wird passend gemacht" and "Der letzte Lude" (2002), among others. In addition to his extensive work as a script doctor and scriptwriter, he has directed the shorts" Fleckich" and "Entomorhea" (1992), "Klabusterboren", "Lasse rein bong!" (2000)," Feuer, Eis und Dosenbier" (2001), and "Revenge of the Teenage Zombies" ("Die Nacht der lebenden Loser", 2003).
Source: German Films Service & Marketing GmbH