Ganz unten, ganz oben
From The Depths To The Heights
Elli Schulze has been been working efficiently as a bank cashier for ten years. She is a generous and big hearted person and tends to look after everyone′s needs but her own.
After splitting up from her husband, she has to continue paying off the loans they took out.
But as much as she juggles with the payments, the debts are too high. Soon, Elli′s flat is repossessed. From one day to the next, she′s out in the streets. Blumenberg, the sympathetic bailiff, offers to help her but in fact is more interested in her baroque physique. Nor does Elli′s sister manage to prevail on her husband to help her. Eventually, Elli finds refuge with Cora, a young homeless woman living in a caravan.
But things go from bad to worse. When money is found missing in the cash till, Elli is accused of stealing the money. She′s dismissed on the spot. For the first time ever, she′s at a complete loss...
Source: German films Service & Marketing GmbH
Director of photography
- Elli Schulze
- Peter Stadler
- Isabella
- H. Blumenberg
- Barbara
- Theo
- Caspar Richter
Production company
Alle Credits
Director of photography
Make-up artist
Costume design
- Elli Schulze
- Peter Stadler
- Isabella
- H. Blumenberg
- Barbara
- Theo
- Caspar Richter
Production company
in association with
Commissioned by
Unit production manager
Location manager
TV-Erstsendung (DE FR): 17.12.1999, Arte
- Originaltitel (DE) Ganz unten, ganz oben
TV-Erstsendung (DE FR): 17.12.1999, Arte