Silvana Abbrescia-Rath
Silvana Abbrescia-Rath was born in Bari/Italy in 1947 and spent her childhood in Rome. After studying Languages, she initially worked in Rome and then in Berlin as a translator and in the field of communication and information. She was a co-founder of the first Italian women"s film cooperative "Arcobaleno" and made the medium-length documentary "8 Marzo - giorno di lotta e di festa" for RAI in 1977. She attended the German Film & Television Academy (dffb) from 1982-1986 and has worked since then as a freelance filmmaker. Her films include the two short features "Kurzsichtig und unterwegs" (1984) and "Die ewige Stadt" (1985), and the full-length features "Mira" (1987) and "Going Back" ("Wiederkehr", 1994).
Source: German films Service & Marketing GmbH