Alessandro Bressanello
Alessandro Bressanello, born in Venice, Italy on November 18, 1948, first worked as a musician in the 1960s before studying acting. In 1976, he founded the Tag Teatro in Venice. From 1980 to 1990 he was the chairman of the Tag theater cooperative where he served as actor, director and producer. In 1995, he founded the Produzioni Teatrali Veneziane for which he acted as artistic director of the Venice carnival until 2003.
He first appeared in front of the camera in small roles in the 1990s. It was only since 2004 that in addition to his extensive work on and for the stage he would feature in Italian and international film productions on a regular basis. In Lasse Hallström's "Casanova" (USA 2005) he appeared as a captain, in the history-drama "La masseria delle allodole" ("The Lark Farm", IT 2007) by the Taviani brothers he played a merchant of antiques. Xaver Schwarzenberger cast him as a priest for "Die Liebe ein Traum (2008, TV) and Roland Suso Richter had him play the owner of a Spanish estate in the melodrama "Der Weg nach San José" (2014, TV). Bressanello's few leading roles include the poet Carlo Goldoni in "Carlo Goldoni: Venezia Gran Teatro del Mondo" (IT 2007) as well as the wayward protagonist in the family comedy "Antonio, ihm schmeckt's nicht" ("Antonio in Wonderland", theatrical release in August 2016) where he plays alongside Christian Ulmen.