Wilfried Huismann
Wilfried Huismann was born in 1951 in Godensholt and studied Social Science and History. In 1981, he began working as a freelance journalist, with his first book being Chile Reports. After that, he authored further books and numerous radio features. Since 1987, he has been working for German television, specializing in background stories and critical reports.
He is the three-time winner of the Adolf-Grimme-Award, the most respected German television award. His films include: "Franca Magnani - A Portrait" (1988), "The Hidden Camera" (1990), "Bremen-Baghdad - Deadly Cargo" (1991), "Cold Hearted? The President of the Treuhand - Birgit Breuel" (1992), winner of the Herbert Quandt Media Award in 1992 and the Friedrich-Vogel Award for economic journalism, "Raymond - The Boy with the Face of an Angel" (1993), "The Ship of the Dead" (1994), "Opposition in Cuba, Gambling with Power - Friedrich Hennemann and the Demise of the Vulkan in Bremen" (1998), "Death of the Pharao - Anwar Sadat and the Holy Warriors" (1998), "Biedermann"s Reich - The International Tracing Service and the Nazi Victims" (1999), and "Dear Fidel - Marita"s Story (Lieber Fidel - Maritas Geschichte", 2000).
Source: German Films Service & Marketing GmbH