Moritz Riesewieck
Moritz Riesewieck was born in Herdecke in 1985. He got first experiences in theatre as trainee and assistant director at the Berliner Volksbühne, the Schaubühne and at the Thalia Theater in Hamburg. He started studying economic science, but after one and a half years transferred to the Hochschule für Schauspielkunst 'Ernst Busch' in Berlin. During his studies, he realized several projects that were shown at the Maxim Gorki Theater, the HAU Berlin and in Hamburg among others.
In 2012, together with Tina Ebert he co-founded the Laokoon group, a collective of artists and scientists who develop cross media story-telling formats. In 2014, Riesewieck was invited by the Goethe Institute to direct Georg Büchners "Woyzeck" in Mexico City. Other works, such as the performance "Peer entfällt" (2014) and his graduation project "Voiceck" (2015) received a lot of attention, and the latter won him a scholarship awarded by the Land Berlin for his innovative work.
Together with Laokoon member Hans Block, with whom he had been working together on several projects since 2007, Riesewieck realized the documentary feature "The Cleaners" (DE/BR 2017) about the daily work of so-called content moderators who are mostly based in Manila and check Facebook and other social media networks for offensive content that needs to be deleted. The film was released in German cinemas in May 2018. In addition, Riesewieck's essay book "Digitale Drecksarbeit" was released.