Marinus Hohmann
Marinus Hohmann, born in Bad Aibling in 2004, made his first appearance as an actor in 2014 in guest roles for TV series such as "Die Bergretter", "Die Chefin" and "Der Bergdoktor". He also starred in a small role in the feature film "Pater Rupert Mayer" ("Father Rupert Mayer", 2014). At the Münchner Prinzregententheater, he played the lead role in the stage adaptation of "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" also in 2014 and then appeared on stage at the DeutschesTheater München in "Beauty and the Beast". He then starred in a bigger role in the successful comedy "Willkommen bei den Hartmanns" ("Welcome to Germany", 2016) as the Hartmann family’s son. In "Fünf Freunde und das Tal der Dinosaurier" (2018), he played the role of Julian, one of the five young amateur fetectives.