Bullyparade - Der Film
Bullyparade – The Movie
Based on the successful TV comedy show, "Bullyparade - Der Film" ("Bullyparade – The Movie") was created on the occassion of the show's 20th anniversary. Following the set-up of the TV show, the film is divided into five episodes that focus on some of the show's most beloved characters. The episode "Wechseljahre einer Kaiserin" ("Change of life of an empress") shows Austrian emperor Franz and empress Sissi getting stuck in a haunted castle while searching for a suitable holiday home. In "Winnetou in Love", Ranger risks everything to save his blood brother Abahachi from getting married overhastily. In "Zurück in die Zone" ("Back into the Zone"), for their aunt's 90th birthday the Kasirske brothers want to make her biggest wish come true and travel through time back to the GDR. In "Planet der Frauen" ("Planet of Women"), Captain Cork, Mr. Spit amd Trashy receive an intergalactic emergency call from a remote planet, whose all-female population is threatened by a villain. In "Lutz of Wall Street", buddies Lutz and Löffler want to make big money at the New York Stock Exchange with the help of a broker called Mr. Moneymaker.
Director of photography
- Winnetou / Mr. Spuck / Sissi / Sigi Solo / König Ludwig / Lutz / Kastagnette 1
- Old Shatterhand / Captain Kork / Franz / Mr.Moneymaker / Jörg Kasirske / Bronko / Kastagnette 2
- Schrotty / Feldmarschall / Dr. Schmitz/Tschango / Löffler / Jens Kasirske / Pavel / Kastagnette 3
- General Motors
- Lieutenant
- Annette
- Brautjungfer
- Medizinmann
- Simultanübersetzer
- Mary Ann
Production company
Alle Credits
Director of photography
Production design
Make-up artist
Costume design
Assistant editor
Audio mixing
- Winnetou / Mr. Spuck / Sissi / Sigi Solo / König Ludwig / Lutz / Kastagnette 1
- Old Shatterhand / Captain Kork / Franz / Mr.Moneymaker / Jörg Kasirske / Bronko / Kastagnette 2
- Schrotty / Feldmarschall / Dr. Schmitz/Tschango / Löffler / Jens Kasirske / Pavel / Kastagnette 3
- General Motors
- Lieutenant
- Annette
- Brautjungfer
- Medizinmann
- Simultanübersetzer
- Mary Ann
- Nancy
- Tschimalis
- Apanatschi
- Assiniboine Häuptling
- Kiowa Häuptling
- Costa
- Kellner
- Anchorman
- Asiatischer Anleger
- Babsirella
- Susirella
- Monirella
- Mozzarella
- Doppelrella 1
- Doppelrella 2
- Gospel-Mamarella
- Beamschieber 1
- Beamschieber 2
Production company
in co-production with
in association with
Line producer
Unit production manager
Original distributor
- 21.03.2016 - 25.05.2016: Almería, Bernried, München und Umgebung
FSK-Prüfung (DE): 30.06.2017, 169235, ab 6 Jahre / feiertagsfrei
Kinostart (DE): 17.08.2017
- Originaltitel (DE) Bullyparade - Der Film
FSK-Prüfung (DE): 30.06.2017, 169235, ab 6 Jahre / feiertagsfrei
Kinostart (DE): 17.08.2017