Seekrieg 1914-1918
Seaplane on the coast of Flanders. Seaplane being readied for takeoff on the Zeebrugge pier. Takeoff of the aircraft. Flight over the Flanders coastal apron. Enemy steamer is brought to a halt by hand bomb. Message is sent to home station by carrier pigeons. The ship's papers are received by the plane. Carrier pigeons arrive at home station. Summoned torpedo boat brings the steamer in to Zeebrugge. Auxiliary cruiser "Möwe" (seagull) in trade war. The auxiliary cruiser in heavy storm on the northern passage between Greenland and Iceland. Change of lookouts. Enemy sail boat with cargo of saltpetre for London is stopped and sunk. The crew is taken on board. On the bridge of the "Möwe" the commander Count Dohna-Schlodien (with goatee). Another steamer is sunk by artillery fire. Report of the commander in the home port to the fleet commander Admiral Scheer. The High Seas Fleet in action. Increased readiness at Wilhelmshaven and outgoing ports of the fleet. A dispatch boat delivers orders. Squadron of ships of the line on the advance. Battle cruiser "Seydlitz" and small cruiser "Frankfurt" are passed. The bay of Scapa Flow. Admiral Jellicoe, the English fleet commander and Scheer's opponent. Firth of Fifth. Admiral Beatty, the English battle cruiser commander. Departure of the English fleet. Beginning of the battle. Twin turrets of heavy artillery swing in enemy direction and fire. In one of the double turrets: barrel goes into loading position, shell and cartridge are pushed into barrel, breech is shut tight. New turret salvo. In the boiler room. In the reserve rudder room, where the reserve helmsman keeps the ship on course according to the orders coming through the speaker. In the battle signal room: signal "Fritz" ("increase speed") is given and recovered. The English in action: English liners firing in keel line sailing. Artillery fight of fleets; keel line firing battleships; sinking cruiser. German torpedo boats rally and attack. An enemy ship is hit by a torpedo and sinks. English destroyers run up to attack. Torpedoes hurtle from ejection tubes. A ship of the line sinks. (Note: This rare shot is not from the battles of the North Sea, but shows the sinking of the K.u.K. liner "Szent Istvan" (Saint Stephen) in the Adriatic Sea, sunk by the Italian motorboat MAS 21). March home of the High Seas Fleet after the battle. The fleet staff on the flagship "Friedrich der Große": Admiral Scheer, in the picture to his right Chief of Staff Captain von Trotha, to his left Captain von Levetzow, Chief of Operations. Close-up of Admiral Scheer.
Source: Bundesarchiv
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- Originaltitel (DE) Seekrieg 1914-1918