Harald, a package tourist from outer space, is spending a three-week holiday on Earth. He meets Rica, who has contact with cheap science fiction novels through her job as a publishing editor and is actually used to quite a bit - but this extra-terrestrial is something else.
Harald looks just like a normal person, but he can neither beam himself around nor read thoughts or perform miracle cures. He has one property, though, which makes life with him rather difficult: he always says the truth whereever he is, even in situations where a small compliment or a tactful fib would have been more appropriate. In the course of three weeks, a crazy romance develops between Harald and Rica, who has fallen in love against her will in the naive and honest visitor. By the time Rica eventually realizes that Harald is the man for her, his holiday on Earth has come to an end. Like all extra-terrestrials in visitor films, Harald must go back home. At least, he should ...
Source: German films Service & Marketing GmbH
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