Cast, Director, Location manager


Roland May studied Journalism, Theater and Film Sciences at the Freie Universitaet Berlin. He has worked as an editor for various news broadcasters and is also active as a writer, director and producer. In 2001 he founded the production company Lavafilm.
A selection of his films as a director includes: "Swing gegen Gleichschritt", "KGB. Zwei Spione – eine Freundschaft", "Shanghai brennt!", "Legenden", "Das Gewissen der Welt", "Der allmaechtige Warenfetisch", "Damals in der DDR - Neubeginn auf Russisch" (winner of the Adolf Grimme Award), the two-parter "Die Bagdad Bahn", "Grenzenlose Liebe", "1000 kleine Revolutionen", and "Detroit – Zwischen Utopie and Untergang", among others.

Source: German Films Service & Marketing GmbH