Wer liebt, dem wachsen Flügel...

Deutschland 1998/1999 Spielfilm


On The Wings Of Love

Christian lives alone in a beautiful house built at the turn of the century and deals in "old junk". He has a pleasant demeanour, rather as if he were not from our time. Maria storms into his life. She is no less swept away by this sweet, romantic, old-fashioned knight than he is by her, a fascinating career woman. Maria is on her way up, towards the top position in her father′s company. Only her arch enemy, the crafty and glamorous Ricarda, now stands in her way. Christian, who dreams of the laughter of children and a house with a small garden in front, hardly sees his wife any more. It appears that their great love is about to founder on the different worlds the two inhabit, until Christian makes a final and ardent vow of love in Vienna: "Those who love grow wings"!

Source: German films Service & Marketing GmbH



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