Paula Rodriguez Sickert

Weitere Namen
Paula Rodriguez (Weiterer Name)
Cast, Director, Screenplay, Director of photography
Santiago de Chile, Chile


Paula Rodriguez was born in 1963 in Santiago/Chile. She studied Architecture at the Academy of Arts in Berlin before enrolling in the Direction program at the German Academy of Film & Television (dffb). Her films include: "Der Purzelbaum" (1987), "The Border" (1990), "Soll Toeten" (1991), "Der Schiffbruechige und der Helikopter" (1992), "Jene Welt, diese" (1993), "An einem ruhigen Ort" (1994), "Theo" (1995), "Ay, Santiago!" (1996), "First Steps" (1998), and "Pinochet"s Children" ("Pinochets Kinder", 2002).

Source: German Films Service & Marketing GmbH

  • Voice
  • Director
  • Screenplay
  • Director
  • Director of photography