All Pictures (3)Biography
Guenther Ruecker was born in 1924 in Reichenberg. From 1947-1949, he studied directing at the Mendelssohn Academy. After his studies, he worked as a director for radio stations in Leipzig and Berlin. Since 1952, he has written and realized several radio plays and screenplays. His films include: "The Best Years" ("Die Besten Jahre",1965), "Until Death Do Us Part" ("Bis dass der Tod Euch Scheidet", 1979), "The Fiancée" ("Die Verlobte", 1980), and "The Fiancee" ("Hilde, das Dienstmaedchen" ("Housemaid Hilde", 1986).
Guenther Ruecker died February 24th, 2008.
Source: German Films Service & Marketing GmbH