A street in central Warsaw is the focus of this witty and personal portrait of Poland. Filmmaker Arjun Talwar immigrated to the country a decade ago but still struggles to fit in. Ulica Wilcza, the street where he lives, has not really helped matters. In an attempt to accelerate his integration, he begins filming his neighbours, sounding out his relationships with them and seeking ways to overcome his own feelings of alienation. With the help of his friend Mo, another immigrant-turned-filmmaker, Arjun uncovers the hidden secrets of the street, revealing a host of charming inhabitants. He finds other people like himself who are living between the past and present, between an imagined homeland and the real one. The street connects them all like an invisible thread, offering solace in the melancholy of everyday life. Along this kilometre-long stretch, a picture of modern Europe emerges, exposing a kaleidoscope of contradictions and anxieties as a foreign filmmaker holds up a mirror to a country that is often perceived as homogeneous, unwelcoming and politically right-wing.
Source: 75. Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin (Catalogue)
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