Jasper Ahrens

Director, Screenplay


Jasper Ahrens was born in 1970 in Kiel. After studying Literature and Media Studies, he registered for the Direction program at the "Konrad Wolf" Academy of Film & Television (HFF/B) in Potsdam-Babelsberg. Since 1999, he has been active as a freelance writer for various television formats and wrote and directed "MTV - Unter Ulmen" (1999-2002). Since January 2003, he has been working on the production of "Der Ulmen Test". His other films include: various commericals including spots for Audi (1999) and Schwartau (1999), and the shorts "Jahressieger" (2000), "Rammelbude" (2001), and "The Day Winston Ngakambe Came to Kiel" (2003).

Source: German films Service & Marketing GmbH