A love story about finding yourself from out of the greatest loss you can experience.
After the sudden and violent death of her first love, teenager Claire McKay retreats into herself. Her mother Fiona brings her to Ironbound, a remote island, hoping the change from the city may effect some healing magic.
Ironbound had once been a thriving fishing community until the fish stocks had mysteriously disappeared some fifty years prior. Its wild loneliness only augments Claire′s withdrawal until she meets Celia, an eccentric writer who tells her the story she has been writing, a story not yet finished: Years before, when the fish still teemed and the island bustled with an active industry, a child was born - a girl - who was nicknamed Silly and the name stuck. When her eyes suddenly changed from brown to the hues of the sea, the islanders looked at her knowingly. Silly grew up into a wild and untamed teenager, becoming an eccentric outcast. Then came the day the fish disappeared, and the islanders looked at her secretively, muttering about an ancient Viking curse. Every fifty years the fish mysteriously leave the island waters. And every fifty years one innocent soul is doomed to live forever beneath the waves in exchange for their bounty ...
Source: German films Service & Marketing GmbH
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