Vater ist im Kriege

Deutschland 191? Kurz-Spielfilm
Film ansehen
09:41 min
Rights statement
DFF - Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum

Fragments of two movies for which no further information is available. The titles "Vater ist im Kriege" / "Henny Porten Fragment" are taken from the film can. The first two minutes of the digitized 16mm film reel (Sauerländer Collection, DIF Film Archive) show excerpts from an unidentified film starring Henny Porten, who was a popular star of German cinema in the 1910s. The scene in the park also features Eduard von Winterstein. The second fragmentary surviving work is a war movie. The title "Vater ist im Kriege" could not be verified so far. The plot of this film is about the family of a German soldier who becomes a prisoner of war during the First World War. The final shot identifies the film as a propaganda film: "We will survive this battle, even against a world of enemies. Never before has a united Germany been overcome".