Paul Harather was born in Moedling near Vienna on 1965 and graduated in Production at the Film & Television Department of the College for Music and Performing Arts in 1991. Harather was production manager on 15 shorts during his studies at the film academy as well as Wolfgang Murnberger"s "Heaven Or Hell" ("Himmel oder Hoelle").
His films include: "Soltana" (documentary short, 1988), "Zwei Maenner und zwei Frauen" (short, 1990), "Die Buergschaft" (short, 1990), "Warten" (short, 1990), "Cappucino Melange" (TV, 1992), "Indien" (1993), "Autsch" (TV, 1994), "Christmas Fever" ("Weihnachtsfieber", 1997), "Kleine Semmeln" (1998), "Frische Ware" (TV, 1999), "The Ragu Incident" (2000), "Geier im Reisrand" (TV, 2000), "Die Gottesanbeterin" (2000) and "Arabesken um Frosch" (2001).
Source: German Films Service & Marketing GmbH